Thursday 5 July 2012

An assistant

Last two months, i try apply to be an assistant doctor microbiology. Niat apply tu mula2 saje2 je sebenarnye, saje nak try testing hehe. Lagipun, teringin nak gain experience duduk kat tempat org sbb since duduk kat unhas tak pernah masuk any organization (selain photo Rontgen club) . So, mane tau dengan jadi assistant ni boleh kenal lagi ramai friends from indonesia include the doctors too. 

First Task

So, after sent all the resume, first step was interview. Rasa gugup sbb dia tanya macam2 about my previous experience in Microbiology. Since the doctors busy, so interview done after lecture class around 4.45pm and my turn was 5.30pm. Outside gelap2 dekat nak magrib. And yang paling kelakar, interview done in dark office room coz tetibe pulak time my turn, whole faculty blackout! >,< So, i cant saw the doctors and the doctors cant saw me too. Makanya, menyembang tanpa lihat muka, cuma mendengar je. 

Next Task

Next task was prepared seven slides. Tajuk semua doctors tentukan. So, one whole weeks im struggling myself study about all the seven titles include preparing the seven slides too. So, memang tak keluar rumah for the whole day. Tambah2 pulak, at the same time, i have lab exams plus need to do lab report too. Time tu hidup sedikit tidak terurus, gi kelas pon pakai bju tak yah iron. hihi ^^ So, time management sangt2 penting time tu untuk divide time between study for exam and study for presentation.
For the first, hampir give up! >,< sbb banyak sngat work need to settle down at the same time. Plus, Lab report gizi yang sangat2 complicated untuk disiapkan membuatkan jiwa kacau! Sigh!-,- But, luckily iwan there to support me and help me to go on what i have done! thanx q so much iwan (special wish ni tau!) 

Final Task

Then, after preparing the slides, final task was presentation! During the presentation day, jiwa sangat kacau bilau. Cuak giler coz cuak takut2 tak do well and takut tak dapat jawap doctor's questions. Because, i need to present in front of doctors by myself. So, before the presentation, we need to prepare the knowledge too. But, Alhamdulillah, all done and finish smoothly. Before end the presentation, the doctors ask me : "What is one word describe ur self?" Then, without think, i said : Easy-going! haha and the word  now used as the key  of myself. 

Then, after two month waiting, the result came out : 

^^ 8. Easy Going = me ^^

And yesterday was the meeting with Microbiologist doctors include all the previous assistant too. Meeting start at 12.30pm and finish 4.45pm (lame kan!). Sebuah meeting yang sangat lama! *_* Badan tak reti duduk diam nak balik. Bila someone said ''meeting finish", im the one who first stand up and out from meeting table. (malunye) *_* 
Then, hope next semester i can be good assistant to the doctors and be good to all the juniors too. Plus, i can be an easy-going person like i said before. Then, Wish me all the best guys =))

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