Bugis Water Park was our destination to release tension after d'exam. So, here we are :
Firstly, lets me introduce this place named "Bugis Water Park Makassar" near Baruga. Actually, this water park just open few weeks before. So, tempat ni mcm tak berapa nak siap sangat. Jalan dia pon still berbatu batu and entrance boat replica (first pic above) tu pon still under construction.
So, ape yang special nya tentang Bugis Water Park ni?
Ce tengok pics atas ni, Ha! ni la yang special nya:
Since the named BUGIS water park, so all the sign boards semua dlm bahasa bugis. Mungkin sebagai lambang dorang nak promote tempat bugis kat Makssar. Lagi pon, kat Maksaar ni sangat terkenal dengan orang Bugis. Mungkin, dengan adenye water park ni, org boleh tahu bahawasanya Bugis tu synonim dengan Makassar.
So, camane dengan fees entrance?
For entrance, kne bayar Rp75ribu is equal to : arond RM25. Ni harga time weekdays, sbb ktorang gi time weekdays. Kalau weekend mungkin lagi mahal kot! (i guest). Yang tak bestnye, time entrance tu nanti ade spot cek barang2, sbb food not allowed! All the food must put on the entrance corner (like the pic above) T_T
Sape yang ade?
^^ -Muna and me- ^^
-Kema, Jawa and Iwan-
Actually, tak ramai pon yang ikut. Only 5 persons. Since others out for vacation to Tanjung Bira, so only remaining yg tinggal ni je yang pegi water park. Thanx for them : Iwan, Jawe, Kema and Muna! =))
So, whats next?
Eh, tetibe ade gambar spider-man. Lepas je puas bermandi mande, we decide to watch SPIDER-MAN! (5star!!) best la jugak, sbb cite tu berjaya buat sy tak tidoq. ^^ So, sape2 yg belum tengok tu, lets watch!
Dinner time?
Sotong tepung, ayam black paper, ayam asam manis
ikan gurami pedas
Since tak breakfirst and lunch, so we decide nak mkn besaq for dinner before the wayang. We choose D'cost. Di sebabkan perut lapa, maka ktorang melantak dengan penuh selera hingga licin! =) Makan time perut lapa memang nikmat. Tambah2 pulak, makan lepas main air, memang berselera habis! Alhamdulillah~
Okeyh, wayang pon dah habis and nak tutup dah! Orang pon ramai dh balik! Maka, mari kita pulang.. =) Seharian out and betul2 release tension. im Soo happy! Thanx for them who bring me jalan2. ^^
Then, tomorrow lets rest at home and puasa nifsu syaaban! Jangan lupa tau! jom niat! =))
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