Last Wednesday, we (all assistant) was going to practical work at Wahidin's microbiology lab. Im so excited coz honestly, i missed microbes lab so much! (tetibe teringat zaman dulu dulu main ngan bacteria). For an introduction, the lab agak sophisticated and cantik! (sbb hospital baru). They have PCR for HIV, simple PCR, an equipment to detect dengue, Bactec (like shaker to grow the bacteria), and many more. (peralatan biase je tu, kt M'sia ade jugak ;)) While entering the lab, first thing that make me remember to my previous lab was the Smell!! (Yes! the smell similar...) hehehe...bau dia sebijik sama je! (bau bacteria) hehe. Tapi bau lab kat uitm dulu lagi kuat la. ;)
For the first step, on that day, we just look around and hear simple explanation about working on the lab. We also learnt about the procedure of received and sending the sample too. Next meeting nanti baru ade real training. Tu pun, if among us ade yang berminat nak try practise for training (tak wajib pun). An interesting part was we have a chance to learnt how to make the media by own, take our own sample and test it by ourself. :) Interesting kan! (interesting untuk yang minat microbe je kot).
Around 2 years ago, i have been working on Microbiology lab for 3 years for my diploma. A lot of things i learnt about the microbes and a lot of things im forgot about the microbes too. (of kos yang lupa tu lagi bnyak dari yang ingat!) So, this is my chance to remind back and memorize about the bacteria. The reason why i want to be a microbiology assistant because im interested in microbes research. I also dream and plan to be a doctor in Microbiologist. (doakan ye! ^^ ) and hope by being an assistant can be a platform for me to be an extraordinary and a success doctor one day. InsyaAllah. ^^
We are Micro team (dah mcm surgery team!)
♥ ♥ ♥ One happy family ♥ ♥ ♥
4 micro flowers
While the Microbiologist working on the lab
So, that was a simple introduction to be an assistant. Hope, i can do best for my self and for others too. Just a sharing an experience, nothing more. Thanx q for reading. ;)
Salam Ramadhan!
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