Thursday, 19 July 2012

Micro people with Macro hearts

Last Wednesday, we (all assistant) was going to practical work at Wahidin's microbiology lab. Im so excited coz honestly, i missed microbes lab so much! (tetibe teringat zaman dulu dulu main ngan bacteria). For an introduction, the lab agak sophisticated and cantik! (sbb hospital baru). They have PCR for HIV, simple PCR, an equipment to detect dengue, Bactec (like shaker to grow the bacteria), and many more. (peralatan biase je tu, kt M'sia ade jugak ;)) While entering the lab, first thing that make me remember to my previous lab was the Smell!! (Yes! the smell similar...) hehehe...bau dia sebijik sama je! (bau bacteria) hehe. Tapi bau lab kat uitm dulu lagi kuat la. ;)

For the first step, on that day, we  just look around and hear simple explanation about working on the lab. We also learnt about the procedure of received and sending the sample too. Next meeting nanti baru ade real training. Tu pun, if among us ade yang berminat nak try practise for training (tak wajib pun). An interesting part was we have a chance to learnt how to make the media by own, take our own sample and test it by ourself. :) Interesting kan! (interesting untuk yang minat microbe je kot). 

Around 2 years ago, i have been working on Microbiology lab for 3 years for my diploma. A lot of things i learnt about the microbes and a lot of things im forgot about the microbes too. (of kos yang lupa tu lagi bnyak dari yang ingat!)  So, this is my chance to remind back and memorize about the bacteria. The reason why i want to be a microbiology assistant because im interested in microbes research. I also dream and plan to be a doctor in Microbiologist. (doakan ye! ^^ ) and hope by being an assistant can be a platform for me to be an extraordinary and a success doctor one day. InsyaAllah. ^^

We are Micro team (dah mcm surgery team!)

♥ ♥    One happy family    

4 micro flowers

While the Microbiologist working on the lab

So, that was a simple introduction to be an assistant. Hope, i can do best for my self and for others too. Just a sharing an experience, nothing more. Thanx q for reading. ;)

Salam Ramadhan!

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Home Made Keropok Lekor ;)

hello! Assalamualikum semua.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan yang bakal tiba dalam 2hari lagi ;)
Alhamdulillah, kita masih diberi nafas hingga hari ini dan InsyaAllah semoga Allah akan beri lagi nikmat untuk melalui hari2 yang mulia di bulan Ramadhan. 

Entry harini nak share about Recipe Keropok Lekor.
Penah makan keropok lekor tak? (mesti la penah kan! )
Penah terfikir tak care nak buat dia? (xpenah, cuma terfikir beli kat terengganu je)

Senang je care nak buat ni
Sape2 yang sedang bercuti macam saya, boleh la mencuba!
Mudah je! Lets check it out! ^^

Bahan yang di perlukan
1. 5 ekor Ikan kembung yang besar sikit (nak guna ikan lain pon boleh jugak)
2. Air sejuk or ketul ais
3. Tepung sagu 5cawan
4. Tepung gandum 1 cawan
5. 1 setengah sudu garam (secukup rasa)
6. 1 sudu gula (secukup rasa)
7. Minyak masak for sure!

Cara nak buat
1. Amik isi ikan tadi, blend dengan ais ketul or air sejuk (tulang buang tau!)
2. Hasil blend tadi, uli dengan 5cawan tepung sagu + 1cawan tepung gandum + garam n gula
3. Uli adunan tadi n buat bentuk bulat2 mcm keropok lekor tu
4. Rebus sampai dia timbul. Dah timbul, tunggu 5 minit (rebus lama sikit)
5. Goreng!!
6. Hidang dengan sos ;))
7. Done!!

Isi ikan yang diblend dengan air sejuk

Isi ikan tadi diuli dengan tepung sagu & gandum

Uli buat bentuk gemok2 panjang

Rebus sampai timbul mcm gmbr ni & tunggu lagi 5min

GoreNg!!! Nyum nyum! ;))

Thursday, 12 July 2012

i ♥ u White choc steam cake

Hai readers! dah seminggu tak update blog ni (seminggu ke?). Tak update bukan sbb busy study, but busy melayan drama yang panjang benjela 28episode : Brilliant Legacy @ Shining Inheritance. Penah tengok tak? (or aku je yg baru nak tengok..) hehe Ni cite sedih, penuh emosi (or aku je sorang2 beremosi?) sebab tema dia tentang Kasih sayang & Money. Jom tengok cite ni! ade pengajaran boleh belajar tau ^^

But before that, i wanna say thanx Q to Allah, Alhamdulillah, semester 4 sudah berakhir dengan jayanya. =) Result osce pon dah keluar, syukur, lulus semua skill.. Alhamdulillah..  And now!, cuma tinggal 15 days je sebelum pulang kampung halaman.. ^^ Hari-hari, sy lalui dengan penuh aktiviti tersendiri. So, ape dia aktiviti tu? jengjeng!--->

Dah puas berjalan ke sane ke mari sekitar Makassar, sampai tak tau nak gi mane dah, So kali ni sy pilih beraktiviti di dalam rumah pulak.. Baking Cake!! yes! im baking myself! (caye tak??) hehehe 

This is yuni @ my master chef! She spend for the whole day to teach me how to bake a choc cake! Awesome! Big thanx to you yuni! ^^

1. Before start baking baking, ktorang pegi beli barang dulu kat careforre. Mestilah bahan kene ade spt, Tepung gandum, susu, choc bar, serbuk soda, tepung penaik, coco, minyak, gula, telur, cherry (perhiasan)

2. Then, we start with blend gula (kalau xguna gula ising) setengah cawan kalau small cake.

3. Step ketiga, Menapis! kene tapis tepung gandum(1/2), serbuk coco(1/2), tepung penaik, soda, serbuk ready made capucino. 

4. Step seterusnya ''Pusing''. hehe kita pusing gula yang diblend tadi dengan 2 biji telur (sbb cake kecik jea) 

5. Lepas sebati telur ngan bula tadi, tuangkan minyak setengah cawan.

6. Then, lanjutkan dengan proses menuang.  tuangkan semua yg ditapis tadi ke dalam mix telur, gula and minyak. Tuang secara selang seli dengan susu. 

7. Yum yum!! tada~~! mix kan semua sampai jadi cenggini tau!sedap woo~!

8. Isi air paip dalam periuk. Oleh kerana kat rmh xde oven, so kita buat choc cake steam!! 

9. Lepas isi air, letak penghadang kukus tu, pastu letak loyang yg ade adunan.. 

10. Tutup dengan aluminium foil atas periuk tu. pastu tutup dengan penutup periuk.

11. Now, kita buat toping cake. Sy minat white choc.So, i choose white choc as toping. ^^ Care nak cair kan white choc tu, kita letak periuk yg ade choc bar + susu kat atas kuali yg ade air sehingga choc cair. 

12. Lepas sapu toping white choc atas kek yang dah siap di kukus selama sejam, tunggu kek sejuk, pastu tuang ang ratakan toping white choc. Buat cepat2 sebelum choc tu keras balik. Then, kalau rajin, potong buah ceri kecik2, pastu susun atas kek tu buat bentuk pape. hihi

i ♥ u White choc steam cake done!!

For those yang rase tak leh buat cake tu (like me before), trust ur self!^^ korang mesti boleh! tapi, make sure sifu kene ade kat sebelah jadi tunjuk ajar tau... 

Finally, my dream come true! im able to make a cake my myself! hihi Thanx you sifu! ^^

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Thousand Love


Jumaat lepas ummu, yuni and sy pi jalan2 ke MARI. sebenarnye dari sebelum exam lagi ktorang plan untuk keluar sesame for shopping, makan2 and jalan2. And last friday was the day! =) Since, ummu ade meeting asistant anatomy time tu, so ktorang bertolak lepas asar naik pete pete.  

First place:
First place was MTC and Karebosi sbb nak bershopping dulu sebelum mkn. MTC and karebosi ni is one of a good place nak bershopping baju, kasut, telekung, handbeg and macam2 lagi. So, for those yang datang Makassar untuk bershopping, mesti kne pegi tempat ni k! ^^ 

shopping sakan! hihi

Second place:
Then, after puas pusing2 pilih baju, then we took taxi from Karebosi tu MARI, around 7min we arrived. Sampai je MARI, pegi surau jap untuk solat magrib. Then, after tu pi order ticket wayang, planning nak tengok Madagascar, but, sedih sekali wayang time tu semua cite spiderman ;( 

As ummu's celebration being an asistant anatomy, she decide nak belanje ktorang mkan. While walking tetibe ternampak Japanese kios. Since im one of pecinta shushi, Ummu belanja mkn shushi  kt situ. Ktorang pilih Mushroom chicken roll. (thanx q ummu!


Then, lepas tu ktorang pi makan lagi!! ahahaha. But kali ni, mkn nasi pulak. (gila kuat mkn ktorang ni!) Hehe, Sebenarnye mkn shushi tu xde dalam list pon, yang ade dalam list mkn kat Kedai Penang. Kat mari ni, ade jual makanan Malaysia, named Kedai Penang.

Sape2 yang tak pernah gi kedai ni, boleh try, ade kat belakang MARI. Planning mula2 nak makan mee goreng mamak je, tapi tetibe rabang mate tengok menu dia.. hihi

Paling berselera tengok Kailan Goreng,tp sold out T_T

Ni, Mee Goreng mamak..sedap!

Kerabu Mangga pon ade! (Most fav!)

Chicken Black Paper with gajus

Penang Fish Yin Yang Style, awesome!

Laicikang, sangat fresh!! ^^

Then, all clean!! yang tinggal only tulang ikan. hihi

Kenyang perut and puas mkn, sendawa punye la kuat. hihi. So, whats next?? Photo shoot! hehe..Layann~~

We are friends!! my besties ^^ 

love them so much!

with Yuni, an Awesome chef!

with ummu, most great person! 

Then, after puas makan and shopping, its the time untuk pulang! =) Happy sangat dapat keluar with u guys! Asyik gelak je bila duduk ngan korang. If both of u read this entry, plis know that korang sangat wonderful! Thanx q so much for being my gurl! Hope we can stay as besties forever!

With Love, Ain

Thursday, 5 July 2012

An assistant

Last two months, i try apply to be an assistant doctor microbiology. Niat apply tu mula2 saje2 je sebenarnye, saje nak try testing hehe. Lagipun, teringin nak gain experience duduk kat tempat org sbb since duduk kat unhas tak pernah masuk any organization (selain photo Rontgen club) . So, mane tau dengan jadi assistant ni boleh kenal lagi ramai friends from indonesia include the doctors too. 

First Task

So, after sent all the resume, first step was interview. Rasa gugup sbb dia tanya macam2 about my previous experience in Microbiology. Since the doctors busy, so interview done after lecture class around 4.45pm and my turn was 5.30pm. Outside gelap2 dekat nak magrib. And yang paling kelakar, interview done in dark office room coz tetibe pulak time my turn, whole faculty blackout! >,< So, i cant saw the doctors and the doctors cant saw me too. Makanya, menyembang tanpa lihat muka, cuma mendengar je. 

Next Task

Next task was prepared seven slides. Tajuk semua doctors tentukan. So, one whole weeks im struggling myself study about all the seven titles include preparing the seven slides too. So, memang tak keluar rumah for the whole day. Tambah2 pulak, at the same time, i have lab exams plus need to do lab report too. Time tu hidup sedikit tidak terurus, gi kelas pon pakai bju tak yah iron. hihi ^^ So, time management sangt2 penting time tu untuk divide time between study for exam and study for presentation.
For the first, hampir give up! >,< sbb banyak sngat work need to settle down at the same time. Plus, Lab report gizi yang sangat2 complicated untuk disiapkan membuatkan jiwa kacau! Sigh!-,- But, luckily iwan there to support me and help me to go on what i have done! thanx q so much iwan (special wish ni tau!) 

Final Task

Then, after preparing the slides, final task was presentation! During the presentation day, jiwa sangat kacau bilau. Cuak giler coz cuak takut2 tak do well and takut tak dapat jawap doctor's questions. Because, i need to present in front of doctors by myself. So, before the presentation, we need to prepare the knowledge too. But, Alhamdulillah, all done and finish smoothly. Before end the presentation, the doctors ask me : "What is one word describe ur self?" Then, without think, i said : Easy-going! haha and the word  now used as the key  of myself. 

Then, after two month waiting, the result came out : 

^^ 8. Easy Going = me ^^

And yesterday was the meeting with Microbiologist doctors include all the previous assistant too. Meeting start at 12.30pm and finish 4.45pm (lame kan!). Sebuah meeting yang sangat lama! *_* Badan tak reti duduk diam nak balik. Bila someone said ''meeting finish", im the one who first stand up and out from meeting table. (malunye) *_* 
Then, hope next semester i can be good assistant to the doctors and be good to all the juniors too. Plus, i can be an easy-going person like i said before. Then, Wish me all the best guys =))

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

one day out Bugis Water Park

Yesterday (4th July) was a great day! 

Bugis Water Park was our destination to release tension after d'exam. So, here we are :


Firstly, lets me introduce this place named "Bugis Water Park Makassar" near Baruga. Actually, this water park just open  few weeks before. So, tempat ni mcm tak berapa nak siap sangat. Jalan dia pon still berbatu batu and entrance boat replica (first pic above) tu pon still under construction.

So, ape yang special nya tentang Bugis Water Park ni?


Ce tengok pics atas ni, Ha! ni la yang special nya:
Since the named BUGIS water park, so all the sign boards semua dlm bahasa bugis. Mungkin sebagai lambang dorang nak promote tempat bugis kat Makssar. Lagi pon, kat Maksaar ni sangat terkenal dengan orang Bugis. Mungkin, dengan adenye water park ni, org boleh tahu bahawasanya Bugis tu synonim dengan Makassar. 

So, camane dengan fees entrance?


For entrance, kne bayar Rp75ribu is equal to : arond RM25. Ni harga time weekdays, sbb ktorang gi time weekdays. Kalau weekend mungkin lagi mahal kot! (i guest). Yang tak bestnye, time entrance tu nanti ade spot cek barang2, sbb food not allowed! All the food must put on the entrance corner (like the pic above)  T_T

Sape yang ade?

^^ -Muna and me- ^^
-Kema, Jawa and Iwan-

Actually, tak ramai pon yang ikut. Only 5 persons. Since others out for vacation to Tanjung Bira, so only remaining yg tinggal ni je yang pegi water park. Thanx for them : Iwan, Jawe, Kema and Muna! =)) 

So, whats next?

Eh, tetibe ade gambar spider-man. Lepas je puas bermandi mande, we decide to watch SPIDER-MAN! (5star!!) best la jugak, sbb cite tu berjaya buat sy tak tidoq. ^^ So, sape2 yg belum tengok tu, lets watch! 

Dinner time?

Sotong tepung, ayam black paper, ayam asam manis
ikan gurami pedas

Since tak breakfirst and lunch, so we decide nak mkn besaq for dinner before the wayang. We choose D'cost. Di sebabkan perut lapa, maka ktorang melantak dengan penuh selera hingga licin! =) Makan time perut lapa memang nikmat. Tambah2 pulak, makan lepas main air, memang berselera habis! Alhamdulillah~

Okeyh, wayang pon dah habis and nak tutup dah! Orang pon ramai dh balik! Maka, mari kita pulang.. =) Seharian out and betul2 release tension. im Soo happy! Thanx for them who bring me jalan2. ^^ 

Then, tomorrow lets rest at home and puasa nifsu syaaban! Jangan lupa tau! jom niat! =))