Tuesday, 30 August 2011

first syawaL

today was great and happy day!.. i celebrate my Eid with my beloved family... using new baju raya, melaram seharian wit cazen, pergi beraya kutip duit raya, main mercun, buga api, mkn rendang, ketupat,..sangat menghiburkan hati... and that was my sweet hari raya moment, thanx to God coz give me a very big family who always besides me all the times. and FAMILY is one of greatest presents from God in my life... sangat2 bersyukur~~Alhamdulillah
so here, i upload some of my hari raya pictures with my cazen and family... first of syawal is an amazing day =))

this is abang but actually he is my adik

**my Lovely and sweet cazen **

---my happy family---

my uncle GG, the red kaler~~

vv !my yelLow day! vv

its me! mcm nak betunang! hehehe

cazen n siblings =)

that was some of my hari raya pictures at kampung s gulang2 (kampung mak). Tomorow i will move on to Kampung Abi Perlis (kampung ayah). One day journey~~ takes 7 hours! sure tired... urm so, other pictures will be upload leter.. =)) 

Monday, 29 August 2011

esok : aidilfitri

esok HARI RAYA! hari kemenagan yg dinantikan setelah sebulan berpuasa... tak sabar rasanya, tapi hati sayu teringatkan arwah atuk yg dah lama pergi jauh meninggalkan kami...sedih rasanya, masih terkenang waktu dia ada bersama menyambut hari raya, teman cucu main bunga api...dulu kalau kene marah ngan mak, my atuk yg akan pujuk..but now, xde sape nak pujuk dah..=( sedih ..urm  my atuk was the great person i never had before...i love and misss him so much! semoga dia ditempatkan orang2 yang  beriman dan dirahmati Allah. Al-fatihah..

tadi, adalah hari yg sangat2 bz untuk mengemas rumah. but, at the same time sempat lagi main bunga api n mercun bunga with my cousin !! cantik gila bunga kat langit bila mercun bunga meletoOOp!! sempat lawan2 mercun lagi dengan jiran sebelah! best2!!  esok malam will be our second trip untuk main mercun cina pulak...hehehe hari raya without bunyi mercun memang tak lengkap...sunyi je.. and with bunyi bising tu, akan memeriakan lagi suasana malam raya... that was the great moment!!

esok adalah hari untuk pau duit raya kat semua uncle and aunty. hehehe ni yg paling syok sbb dapat duit...dulu masa kecik2 raya ngan classmate, dapat banyak sangat duit raya...ingat lagi, pegi beraya naik basikal...tak penah rasa penat pon...tapi sekarang, jgan harap nak naik basikal lagi...bejalan sikit je dah penat...urm memang pemalas aku ni..hehe

tak sabar jugak tunggu esok, sbb esok wan nak calL~~ yeay!! ^^v

tapi, kesian kat kawan2 aku yg beraya di makassar sbb esok dorang masih berpuasa...Lusa (rabu) baru raya...anak bulan kat sana malu2 nak keluar...urm tak pelah, dapat kumpul pahala lebih sikit sbb ramadhan untuk korang ada extra one day~~ =)) ape pon yang penting dapat beraya akhirnya!


Sunday, 28 August 2011

Hari Raya is just around the corner!!

Today was my second last of ramadhan for this year. So, lot of things to do before the Eid, and lot of mission for this last of ramadhan. One of the missions are baking cake, filling up cookies jar with cookies, last touch up for the whole my nenek's house, ironing new baju raya, matching up the baju raya with new shawl,  watch my mom anyam the ketupat, playing the bunga api, pasang the pelita raya, and bla-bla-bla~~~...... sangat2 exhausted and tired! but feel sangat puas + happyyy! now i know hari raya without family sangat2 suram and sunyi...but, celebrate raya with family memang sangat2 best, lagi2 bila orang yang kita sayang ada disamping kita bersama2... thanx alot to both of my parents yg sanggup berhabis duit belikan ticket raya yang sangat mahal untuk aku...hari raya for this year sangat berharga untuk kakak...love u so much!

after family discussion, so we decide this year, raya kat umah nenek belah emak @ kat kampung sg gulang-gulang tg karang selangor...then, the second day of hari raya, we move on  to kampung Abi perlis indra kayangan...huh! im sure, that second day of Eid gonna be the most tiring day, coz the journey to perlis takes 7hours! (ta suke duduk lame2! -,-) urm...then, for those yg nak dtng beraya kat rumah, you all have to wait until raya ke-5... coz, the fourth of Eid will be my journey back to tg karang..(home sweet home, yeay!!

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Dikesempatan ni saya ingin meminta maaf dari ujung rambut hingga ujung kaki jikalau ada b'gurau t'kasar bhasa,t'salah kate,t'marah t'pukul kt mne2,halalkn mkn minum & slh silap ampun maap diminta..SALAM 

Friday, 26 August 2011

wishing you happy hari raya

special wish i dedicate to you
maaf zahir dan batin
halalkan semuanya 

Thursday, 25 August 2011

riang ria sebelum raya

almost 2 weeks im not updating blog... al maklumlah, setibanya di kota makassrar 7 ogos lepas, memang ak tak on9 coz no internet connection (x reload broadband lagi).. and now im coming home again!! my flight arrived on  last wednesday... Tuhan jela yg tahu, betapa ak happy sangat2 dapat pulang this hari raya beraya bersama family tercinta!!! the most happiest things in ma life is when im able to celebrate my hari raya with both of my mom n dad! i love them soo much!!!

2 weeks at Makassar, its enough made my life totally bored and gloomy. hidup mcm tak de hala tuju sbb class tak start lagi...memang marraton movie memanjang time 2 minggu tu...cite yg aku tak minat pon, aku layannnn ~~~ ahaha  ak just sempat masuk class 2hari jea before my flight back to kl. and now im in new blok system which is HEMATOLOGY SYSTEM. im interested to learnt this subject coz i work at this department on my last microbiology's practicle.. so, its quite interesting for me to leart this deeply. best2! sedih jugak la sbb kene skip class 2 hari (thursday and friday). but its oK! nak raya punya pasal, semua jadi oK! hehehe

baju raya semua dah prepared! tahun ni warna kuning~~ ahaha, gila menyaLa baju raya aku...ni pon my tailor yg pilihkan warna baju. semua aku serahkan kat dia untuk uruskan hal baju raya aku...yg penting semua dah ready untuk dipakai. now, tengah tunggu sepasang lagi baju dari dia, tak taula warna ape pulak...hopefully tak la warna menyala2..hehe  (mood alredy in mood hari raya) 

dengan ini, khas aku nak dedicate this wish untuk sesiapa yg mengenali diri ini. Aku nak mintak ampun and maaf atas semua salah silap aku yg sengaja atau tak di sengajakan. halalkan semua yg telah korang beri. semoga dihari mulia ini kita dapat eratkan  lagi silaturahim. yg putus boleh disambungkan lagi... aku jugak nak mintak maaf and wish hari raya kepada orang yg ''block fb'' aku. ahahaha aku pon tak tau ape masalahnya sampai nak block bagai... lantak lah, asalkan semuanya happy... 

last but not least 

Friday, 5 August 2011


flight number : AK 586
Departing : Kuala Lumpur (1.40pm)
Arriving : Ujung Pandang (5.50pm)

Tomorrow gonna be my flight back to Makassar...wahhh, sedih gila kot...rase berat nak tinggalkan rumah terChenta ni, berat nak tinggalkan both of my parents and of kos my adik & abg...urm but, i have to =( actually my flight will be 15 of august, since i have something to settle down at Makassar, so the flight changed to 7 of august (one week earlier) and that SEVEN, will be tomorrow!! (x pack pape pon lagi) ... nak sedapkan hati yg luluh ni, so my heart said "its oK", at least this 24 of august, i will back again for HARI RAYA break!! tak sabar tau nak raya taun ni, yelah last year i was celebrating my hari raya at that "pendalaman" a.k.a that makassar.. serious tak best weh! 
so, the flight gonna be 1.40pm, luckily Wan there to stay with me...so,tak la rasa lonely sangat..thanx for you wan! ^^  urm sampai je Makassar esok, i have i lot of things to do...
one of them is, i wanna meet my Dentist!! i need to change my braces! tak selesa dah niH. and one of my keluhan to her is:

"Doc, kawat gg nya ngak nyaman ini, sudah lebih 2 minggu, mau diganti!!" =,=

Second, i wanna to settle down my KRS. KRS is not kedet remaja ok, KRS is something that related to my course registeration for second smester. and because of this KRS, i made a decision to come back earlier. This unhas sangat2 menyusahkan org tau! supposedly in this Modern World, they should change their system from manual registration to automatic registration (which is register through online) like my uitm dihatiku hehe. BUT, because of they so so and so narrow minded, they thought that online registration is something difficult... tah pape tah!. yg paling tak bestnye, i must cari my lecturer's singnature in order to prove my registration course...mcm masuk treassure hunt nak cari signature tu tau...

''and for ur information.,they LOVE to make people difficult.'' 

third, i wanna help my batch to arrange my new juniors! WELCOME to unhas guys!! enjoy ur journey at this Makassar. ahahaha  

''and gud luck for this nightmare place!'' ^^ 

lastly, i wanna settle down my ERP,..ERP is something that related to immigration. Like i said just now, this 24 of august is my trip back to MALAYSIA terchenta. so, this Indonesia style , kalau nak balik should have that ERP with money RP200k, then baru boleh balik...so, i have to fill the ERP borang and paid that 200k before the flight.

so overall, they are four important things i have to do in 2 weeks at makassar before this 24 of august. really hope everything gonna be settle smoothly.. guys, always pray for me ya! hope things will make easier after this...

happy reading..! ^^V 

kau dalam kenangan

Beliau Yang Kita Kenal
Adalah Pengetua Yang Berilmu
Berkarisma Mengungguli Teraju
Penyayang Dan Prihatin

Beliau Pengetua Yang Peramah
Melontar Idea Penuh Hikmah
Dalam Lembut Santun Senyum Tawa
Bijak Mengatur Bicara Menyusun Agenda
Beliau Pemimpin Berwawasan
Disiplin Dan Akademik Tiara Pimpinannya
Namun Jarang Sekali Tindaknya Keras

Petang Sabtu, 30 Julai 2011
Aku MasihTak Mengerti
Mengapa Dia Harus Pergi
Aku Pasrah Ketentuan-Nya...

''biar bodoh tapi berakhlak''
''jadilah yang terbilang antara yang terbaik''

Al-fatihah untuk arwah cikgu yang sememangnya sudah menjadi idola saya
Pengetua En Roslan Bustani
kau dalam kenanganku

Thursday, 4 August 2011

buah melaka

menu for buka : buah melaka

that was my menu for yesterday's buka. one of my dad's fav. i tried to learnt how to do that kuih from my mom.. i thought its gonna be hard to made that kuih..but actually simple jea method dia..(^^)V so, now i can try by my self to do kat Makassar nanti.. so, this is the things we should prepared!

1 bungkus Tepung Pulut 
1 cawan Tepung Gandum 
Sesudu garam 
Air secukupnya 
kelapa parut 


Campurkan kesemua tepung tadi dengan air dan garam sehingga menjadi doh.Gentelkan sebesar biji guli dan masukkan inti.Buatkan bulat-bulat dan rebus dalam air yang mendidih.Bebola akan timbul jika sudah masak.Ambil bebola tadi dan salutkan dengan kelapa parut. 

Untuk inti kelapa: 
gorengkan kelapa tanpa minyak sekejap dan gaulkan dengan gula atau gula apong.

so, meh cuba menu ni..simple jea! ^^V tak yah bli kat bazar~~ buat sendiri jea...


Gula Melaka (parut)/
kelapa parut & gula

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

dont leave

What would I do if you leave?
I'd miss you, I believe
That's what I'd do if you leave
Emotions are kept under my sleeve
So my prayers to you I'd give

Please stay a bit longer
For I may see you again never
And you leaving isn't for the better
Surely I'd miss you sooner or later

Everyday I miss you more and more
It makes my heart feel so sore
Thinking of the way things were,
I'd like to go back 
to the times we had before.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

new coin

this is new Malaysian coin, looks great!
im proud to be Malaysian
for addition info, read this!

im fed up!

today's mood : cuak

according to my mood today, im totally cuak!! huhuhu coz all the last smester's result will be come up today!!
"Ya Allah, bebaskan lah aku dari kegagalan....." the word i cant stop to say inside my heart since last night... and finally God hear my wish, im free from any fail this smester..thanx God! but, im still not satisfied, and still not consider it is a gud new for me since my soulmate have to TUNDA his musculo's result... wha the hec!!?? TUNDA?? whats that stupid words???....Unhas!! what is tunda?? what it means by "'it's like nilai kita lock and to open it must use key and the key is Osce'' memang merepek unhas ni tau tak!! hhuhuhu dah remade osce haritu dahLAH! xpaya la nak tunda2 lagi...kan dah menyusahkan org lain n dah buat kitorang rugi kne beli ticket baru for that new osce exam! kalau result hilang, ckp la result hilang..tak payah la nak ckp tunda bagai~~ damn! banyaknye la dugaan hidup kat tempat orang ni (especially this place!!) i hate this place!...i dont care what people said to me!.. im totally frust and i hate this place!
day by day, aku sangat2 rasa menyampah dengan sistem unhas...huhu sistem tak tersusun, berterabur, besepah! argghhhh!! tention nye akuu...sape yg pnah duduh unhas je paham ape yg aku maksudkan...why why why im here???...im fed up!!! why malaysian student always ade problem?..huhhu why "anak" dorang yg slalu ponteng class, skip wat assingment yang selalu lepas without problem??..why! look, from that we know dorang ni sngat2 buyers tau tak!?...huhu aku nak balik...aku nak balik umah...aku ta nak blaja lagi at cni... uitm punye sistem jaun lebih bagus dari unhas yg dulu si pojan tu bngga2kan...hhuhu mampu ke aku nak besabar dengan sistem yg seperti ini untuk 5 tahun lagi????.... persoalan yang aku sendiri tak tau apa jawapannya.... Ya Tuhan, tabahkanlah hatiku dan temanku...

Monday, 1 August 2011

i will always miss you forever

saya ketinggalan~~

today is first of ramadhan... im excited enough to go to bazar ramadhan since after one year im not going to bazar... yelah, kat Makassar there was no bazar at all...bosan gila! if ada pon, malaysian students yg buat...urm, serious bosan!...im start rambang mata while at the bazar, there was a lot of foods !! rasa mcm nak beli semua!! ahahaha...but, lucky my mom there to stop me to buy all those food..and finally i just bought kuih Lopez (green tirangle kuih), of kos my fav kebab (both ayam n beef), kuih kemboja (with flower shape) and air cincau! ^^

i met alot of people at the bazar, urmm what i want to share here is, i love the new tudung style!! suddenly terasa ketinggalan sangat! almost all people especially women using hana tajima shawl and many others new tudung style!... i feel so ketinggalan when im still wearing tudung bawal...ahahaha mana tak nya, kat makassar almost all of them just wearing that indon tudung, no hana tajima at all..waaahh kesian kat aku! but its okey! i still love tudung bawal so much!! hehehe...

urm, then while waiting "buka" time, im searching the new shawl style...omg, i love them much!! i want buy one for myself!..then, im asking my mom to buy one for me. (of kos my adik jelez)

me : ibu, kakak nak tudung hana tajima tau raya ni, nanti belikan tau!
ibu : bukannya cantik pon...
me : ala, nak gak rasa pakai, memang la tak cantik, kakak pakai cantik..(buat muka tak besalah)
ibu : urmmmm (muka tak puas hati) ahahaha ...yelaaa..!
me : yesss!! =))

urm, now im searching and searching which one is good for me... and also i want to learn by my self how to wear the shawl... this how to wear... :

this style is so comlicated! perhaps, i will not wearing this..=))
but, i love people wearing this style

i love this since they are cotton! 

i love the colors, simple and sweet!!

this one look simple and smart

this called yuna hana tajima..
smart but im not ready enough to wear this hehe

i think, i fall in love with this!
i will buy this one for my tudung raya!

at the end, finally i get what i want by searching all those tudung through internet. urm, kesian kan aku, ketinggalan with all those things...but its okey, at least i know something..hehehe urm, actually banyak lagi shawl n tudung i want to upload here, but since not enough time, i have to go and stop my writing here.
for all readers, hope u enjoy my kesin story,,,ahahaah 