after exam last monday, plan nak mkn yogurt kat MARI.. that time excited! coz nak try new yougurt since asyik mkn yogurt Jco je...and the yogurt house called Moochie ..
This is Moochie
Moochie ni just like tutty fruity..perhaps tutty fruity sedap lagi kot coz this moochie mcm masam skit..
tapi okey la..yang penting ade daripada xde.. cuma, kalau nak mkn moochie ni selalu memang akan sengkek la lepas tu coz for one large cup (kecik je cup dia) each Rp45,
for those yg dah boring yg dah boring mkn fast food yg ade kat Makassar ni..boleh la try! ade kat MARI..
anyway, nak Thanx to this two cool Friends yg sudi membawa sy pergi makan Moochie =)
and of kos thanx to my iwan too yg "belanja'' hehe
sayang korang!! ^^next time hang out lagi!^^
okey, pics above ni kalau tengok lama2 memang wat rasa mcm nak g moochie sekarang jugak!
for those around here, boleh la pergi moochie time free2 ni..
sedap jugak la.. n its prove with clean & clear cup pic above..
happy trying!